
Friday, 4 January 2019

#wishlist Umrah and Hajj


Today post is something that I believe each and every one of us the Muslim would dream of doing, performing Hajj and Umrah. Hajj is a part of the 5 pillars of Islam and is an obligation for those who are able to perform it. As for umrah its a less obligatory than Hajj. Normally you may perform umrah together with hajj as umrah does not have a certain period of time to complete. As for Hajj, you may only perform it during the month of Zulhijjah. The obligation of Hajj was made by Allah and was mentioned in the Quranic verse below. 

I still remember each and every time I send my loves one to hajj or umrah. The feeling is absolute. They are happy and nervous at the same time. At a time when I looked at those big smile in their face make me feel that they are all ready to visit the holy land. To be able to pray at the holy palace facing straight to Kaabah, SubhanaAllah. I am yet to get the opportunity to visit the Holy Land but inshaAllah one day I will be called by Allah to be His duyufurahman (guest of honor) to his house.

Preparation for depart 

As we all know, whenever we are traveling we always plan ahead on what to bring and what to do for at the place where we are going to. We check the weather forecast, currency, demographic and many other vitals preparations. Those are the basic rules to travel. Same goes to the Holy Land. But for me, an additional preparation is a must when traveling to the Holy Land which is nawaitu. INNA MA AL A'MALU BI NIAT, Whatever you do begins with your intentions. We need to purify our Niat when visiting the holy place. As always said what you pray for you will get in the holy place. If you have the niat to only visit and vacation, you'll get it as you wish and if it is a journey to purify one heart, InshaAllah you will get it too. 

Secondly, To be ready for the goods to bring. Those basic items needed throughout your journey. Al Quran, guidebook, clothes, food and if I am going I shall bring my notebook and pen. A written journal is a must for we can record the best out of it. I would like to suggest all google up on the preparation to umrah and hajj. Some of the site that I read for knowledge is as below :

A dream 

I have once shared a post on mama Hajj journey. It was a lovely one remembering how she was invited by Allah to be his guest at Baitullah. The moment when she received the letter touches us all and I still remember shedding tears of joy upon opening the letter. It was back in 2017 when she received the news. At first, she was supposed to perform Hajj in 2016 but Allah knows best when even a day before her flight she was not given the Visa. Kun faya kun Allah gave her a trial for a better offer. I was there to be with her to support in both situations. When the first one was canceled she was all sad but I really believe Allah has a better plan for her. For the second one, SubhanaAllah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar it went smoothly. I remember accompanying her to do all the preparation. Although I know the fact I'm always busy idling around Kuala Lumpur but I gave my all to help her. 

Preparation for the journey, in fact, makes me feel the excitement to visit the place (InshaAllah one day I will). Before we send her off at the Hajj gathering place I still remember how she suddenly reminded of Baba. She said if Baba was around he might as well go to perform Hajj with her but Allah knows what best for us. Tears running down mama cheek remembrance of the love of her life. At the drop dock, we hug and forgiveness was begged from each other for we don't know what will happen there. It is a blessing to be invited back to Allah at the Holy Place and I'm sure everybody has that dream. I let her go for I believed she is in the hand of her creator and He knows what best for her. 

A dream of performing Umrah and Hajj are always part of me. Being a historian, I've always happened to love the history of early Muslims. The suffering and turbulence in going to the holy land. Wars and long journey are always the barriers between them and faith. As for us in the modern world, the only separation between us and performing the Hajj and Umrah is money. To be able to go once is a joy to many but sometimes had turned into a tour for those who are able to do it frequently. Why not the joy be shared with those who aren't able to do it even once. Estaghfirullah not in my mind to look down on those with money or to label them of pride to be able to do it frequently but then again Allah who give the blessing and invitation for I only his slave thought its better to share. 

What about you? Do you have the dream to visit Makkah and Madinah? 
Well to those who read this post please make a dua for me so I'm able to visit the holy land for a journey towards Allah :) 

حَسْبِ اللهُ لا إله إلا هو، عليه توكلت    و هو ربَ العرش العظيم

Hasbi-allahu la ilaha illa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rab-bal ‘arshil ‘azeem

Sufficient for me is Allah ; there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.” (At Tawbah 9:129)

p/s: for those who are going for Umrah and Hajj may Allah accepts your prayer and ease the journey. 

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